Kissing the Nightmare is one I’ve tried to replicate many, many times. One of my favorite songs of all time.

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That driving riff is so earworm-y -- it gets in my head deeper than the vocal melodies do.

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Also 3:12 of Human Drama. They truly are masters of melody and dynamics.

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I'm so curious to see what this new release thing is going to be. Just a fully re-recorded version of the record, I guess?

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Hard to imagine it being better than it already is, but if so, I’m totally here for it.

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At 4:10 is where I became obsessed and got to the point I could play my rendition of this with my eyes closed on my piano. I still do it, from time to time, just because.

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I don’t know this record! Putting it on now and it is extremely Colin. It sounds like someone gave that guy from The Wrens a sick pedal board.

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Extremely Colin, indeed. Pedal boards for everyone!

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