A very early album in my collection that felt so unlike everything I had found previous.
Kissing the Nightmare is one I’ve tried to replicate many, many times. One of my favorite songs of all time.
That driving riff is so earworm-y -- it gets in my head deeper than the vocal melodies do.
Also 3:12 of Human Drama. They truly are masters of melody and dynamics.
Oh, here's the news: https://www.instagram.com/share/_7UBZqTca
I'm so curious to see what this new release thing is going to be. Just a fully re-recorded version of the record, I guess?
Hard to imagine it being better than it already is, but if so, I’m totally here for it.
At 4:10 is where I became obsessed and got to the point I could play my rendition of this with my eyes closed on my piano. I still do it, from time to time, just because.
I don’t know this record! Putting it on now and it is extremely Colin. It sounds like someone gave that guy from The Wrens a sick pedal board.
Extremely Colin, indeed. Pedal boards for everyone!
Kissing the Nightmare is one I’ve tried to replicate many, many times. One of my favorite songs of all time.
That driving riff is so earworm-y -- it gets in my head deeper than the vocal melodies do.
Also 3:12 of Human Drama. They truly are masters of melody and dynamics.
Oh, here's the news: https://www.instagram.com/share/_7UBZqTca
I'm so curious to see what this new release thing is going to be. Just a fully re-recorded version of the record, I guess?
Hard to imagine it being better than it already is, but if so, I’m totally here for it.
At 4:10 is where I became obsessed and got to the point I could play my rendition of this with my eyes closed on my piano. I still do it, from time to time, just because.
I don’t know this record! Putting it on now and it is extremely Colin. It sounds like someone gave that guy from The Wrens a sick pedal board.
Extremely Colin, indeed. Pedal boards for everyone!